Sustainable Development

“A world of equality is not made up of equal people, but of people with equal rights so that they can be different.”

(Rosana Herman)

Social Projects and initiatives

LIL - Legal Impact Lab

Public Policy Laboratory. We prepared the paper "Build Back Better – Principles for a Brazilian Economic Recovery ", in partnership with Wellbeing Economy Alliance (2020-2021)


Coordinator of the Training and Quality teams (2014)

NGO Viva Rio

Psychologist and supervisor in the Rescue of Citizenship project (2006-2008)

Diagnóstico Socioterritorial

Trilateral cooperation Brazil (UFRRJ) - Germany (HU) - Mozambique (UEM) through the “UNiversity Finds Economy for Sustainability” (UNEES). Socio-territorial Diagnosis and Associative Strengthening of Small Organic Farmers in the Municipality of Silva Jardim, RJ, Brazil (2019).

Mutirão Rocinha

Mobilization to collect donations and funds for the reconstruction of houses, which suffered losses due to rain and windstorms (2019)

VII Seminar Dialogues for Practice in Sustainable Development - UFRRJ

Part of the organizing team and speaker. Theme: Mutirão in Rocinha - an experience of mobilization (2019)


Cleaning products workshop with natural ingredients (2018-2020)

Instituto Coca-Cola Brasil

Responsible for the management of some nucleus of the training and professional development course - Coletivo Jovem (2011-2014)

Mulheres na Política

Organization of Conversation Wheel to support 2018 female candidates for the elections.

I also gave educational lectures and conversation circles

Sustainability in our Life – Black Pound Week (UK, 2020)
Desigualdade Racial e o Mercado de Trabalho – Ondjango (Julho das Pretas, 2020)
Desigualdade Racial, Mercado de Trabalho e os ODS (Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, Rio, 2020, Instagram)
Saúde Mental da População Negra / Mercado de Trabalho (Encrespa Geral Londres, Lawa, UK, 2020, live no instagram)
O Racismo Nosso de Cada Dia e as Pluralidades de Vozes Negras (GMB Núcleo Copenhague, live 2020)
A Desigualdade Racial e o Mercado de Trabalho (UFRJ – Mulherio, live Instagram, 2020)
Favela É - morro pela arte (live, Youtube, 2020. Portal TV Favela)
Mutirão Rocinha - uma experiência de mobilização (Seminário Desigualdades - caminhos para solução, UFRRJ, 2019)
Favela e Mecanismos de Sustentabilidade (Conversas Sustentáveis - Canal Gente, Globosat, 2020)


Talks and campaigns